Pink is not a common color in the avian world, but it’s one that stands out brilliantly. Birds with shades of pink range from soft pastels to vibrant hues, each telling a unique story about their habits and habitats.
In this article, we’ll introduce you to 18 captivating species of pink birds, giving you a visual guide to their appearances and delving into the stories of their lives and migrations.
18 Types of Pink Birds
1. Roseate Spoonbill

Scientific Name: | Platalea ajaja |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 28–34 in (71–86 cm) |
Weight: | 2.6–4.0 lb (1.2–1.8 kg) |
Wingspan: | 50–53 in (127–135 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 15 years |
The Roseate Spoonbill is a wading bird native to the Americas. It’s known for its vibrant pink plumage and distinctive spatula-shaped bill.
These beautiful pink birds are highly social and often found in large colonies. They feed on aquatic life in shallow waters. The Roseate Spoonbill’s unique bill allows it to sift easily through the mud to find food.
The sight of a Roseate Spoonbill in flight, with its pink and red feathers contrasting against its white neck and back, is a remarkable visual treat. Nesting in trees above water helps protect their offspring from predators.
2. Flamingo

Scientific Name: | Phoenicopteridae |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 36–50 in (91–127 cm) |
Weight: | 4.0–8.8 lb (1.8–4.0 kg) |
Wingspan: | 37–59 in (94–150 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 30 years |
Known for their long legs and necks, Flamingos are iconic pink birds found in parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe. They reside mostly in salty or alkaline lakes.
Their striking pink color comes from the carotenoid pigments in the organisms they consume.
Flamingos are social birds living in colonies that can number in the thousands. They communicate with vocalizations that are specific to each individual.
These birds are filter feeders, primarily consuming algae and crustaceans, and are known for their peculiar feeding style—head lowered, moving side to side, as they walk forward. Further, despite their structure, these birds can fly even at high altitudes.
3. Roseate Tern

Scientific Name: | Sterna dougallii |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 13–16 in (33–41 cm) |
Weight: | 3.3–4.2 oz (94–120 g) |
Wingspan: | 29–31 in (74–79 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 11 years |
Roseate Terns are charming seabirds, named for their subtle pinkish underparts. These pink birds breed in coastal regions and are known for their agile flight and graceful appearance.
Their primary diet consists of fish, which they catch by diving into the water. The Roseate Terns are known to migrate long distances, traveling from their breeding sites to wintering grounds.
These birds are agile fliers and are particularly sociable, often seen resting and feeding in groups.
Despite being widespread, some populations of Roseate Tern are experiencing significant declines due to habitat loss and disturbances during breeding seasons.
4. Pink Robin

Scientific Name: | Petroica rodinogaster |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 5.1–5.5 in (13–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.4 oz (10–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 7.9–8.7 in (20–22 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 7 years |
The Pink Robin is a small passerine bird native to southeastern Australia. This bird has a lovely muted pink wash on its belly. These beautiful pink birds predominantly inhabit dense, damp forests.
In one of my travels, I was fortunate to encounter the exquisite Pink Robin in the dense forests of Tasmania. This little bird, with its vibrant pink chest, looked like a flying jewel against the lush green foliage.
I spent days documenting the delicate patterns and charming quirks of this delightful bird.
They are territorial and generally solitary, although they may form loose family groups after breeding. The Pink Robin’s diet mainly consists of insects.
These birds are known for their sweet, melodious song, and males can be seen singing from high perches to attract females during the breeding season.
Their diminutive size and enchanting appearance make them a favorite among birdwatchers, including myself.
5. Andean Flamingo

Scientific Name: | Phoenicoparrus andinus |
Conservation Status: | Vulnerable |
Length: | 43–51 in (110–130 cm) |
Weight: | 5.5–6.2 lb (2.5–2.8 kg) |
Wingspan: | 41–42 in (105–107 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 30 years |
The Andean Flamingo is one of the rarest flamingos in the world, residing in the high Andean plateaus of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina.
This pink bird is distinguished by its creamy-pink plumage and deep yellow legs. They are also considered the tallest among the six flamingo species.
It primarily feeds on diatoms, which are a type of algae, through filter-feeding. The Andean Flamingo is noted for its elaborate courtship dance, which includes synchronized group displays.
The courtship ritual of the Andean Flamingo is shown in the video below:
These high-altitude dwellers face threats from habitat loss and are the subject of conservation efforts to protect their diminishing populations.
6. Pink-headed Fruit Dove

Scientific Name: | Ptilinopus porphyreus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 9.1 in (23 cm) |
Weight: | 3.7–4.9 oz (105–140 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
Native to Indonesia, the Pink-headed Fruit Dove is named for its distinctive pink head, neck, and breast. This small pink bird resides mainly in subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.
It feeds primarily on fruits and berries. The Pink-headed Fruit Dove is known for its elusive nature and is most active during the early morning and late afternoon.
It’s a solitary bird but can sometimes be observed in small groups, especially during feeding. The serene appearance and unique coloration of the Pink-headed Fruit Dove make it a subject of fascination for bird enthusiasts.
7. James’s Flamingo (Puna Flamingo)

Scientific Name: | Phoenicoparrus jamesi |
Conservation Status: | Near Threatened |
Length: | 35–36 in (90–92 cm) |
Weight: | 4.9 lb (2.2 kg) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 30 years |
James’s Flamingo inhabits the high-altitude Andean plateaus of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. Recognized by its pale pink plumage and bright carmine streaks around the neck and back, this pink bird stands out.
The James’s Flamingo is the smallest flamingo with distinct red legs and feet. Its yellow bill is short and stubby with a black tip.
It is primarily a filter feeder, consuming algae and diatoms. This bird is notable for its spectacular mating dances involving synchronized group displays.
James’s Flamingo faces threats from habitat alteration, and ongoing conservation efforts aim to safeguard its habitats.
The bird’s distinct coloration and behavior make it a sought-after species for birdwatchers and wildlife photographers.
8. Chilean Flamingo

Scientific Name: | Phoenicopterus chilensis |
Conservation Status: | Near Threatened |
Length: | 43–51 in (110–130 cm) |
Weight: | 5.7–7.7 lb (2.6–3.5 kg) |
Wingspan: | 53–59 in (135–150 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 50 years |
The Chilean Flamingo is native to South America and is identified by its pale pink body and darker pink-black-and-white wings. It’s a large, social bird that lives in large colonies in saline or alkaline lakes.
The bird’s pink hue is derived from the pigments in the aquatic organisms it consumes.
Chilean Flamingos are known for their synchronized group displays during courtship.
They are filter feeders with a diet consisting mainly of small invertebrates, algae, and plankton. The beauty and grace of the Chilean Flamingo make it an emblematic species in its native region.
9. Spotted Dove

Scientific Name: | Spilopelia chinensis |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 11–12 in (28–30 cm) |
Weight: | 5.3 oz (150 g) |
Wingspan: | 16–18 in (41–46 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
The Spotted Dove is a small pigeon native to Eastern Asia. It has a pinkish hue on its underparts and is known for the distinctive black and white spotting on its neck.
These birds adapt well to urban and suburban areas and are common in parks and gardens. You may see them foraging in pairs or small groups.
Spotted Doves primarily feed on seeds and grains and are known for their gentle cooing calls and quick flights.
You can hear the calls of a Spotted Dove in the video below:
The Spotted Dove’s adaptable nature and distinctive appearance make it a well-known species among bird enthusiasts in its range.
10. Pink Pigeon

Scientific Name: | Nesoenas mayeri |
Conservation Status: | Vulnerable |
Length: | 12.6 in (32 cm) |
Weight: | 11.3–11.6 oz (320–330 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 17 years |
The Pink Pigeon is a rare species native to Mauritius. With its pink body and brown wings, this pink bird makes it distinct from other pigeon types. It primarily inhabits the native forests of Mauritius and feeds on buds, leaves, seeds, and fruits.
Pink Pigeons have long bills and strong feet, which allow them to hang upside down and feed efficiently.
Conservation programs are ongoing to save this species from extinction due to habitat loss and introduced predators.
The Pink Pigeon is known for its resilience and ability to survive in modified habitats, and ongoing restoration efforts are aiding in the gradual recovery of its population.
11. Red-billed Firefinch (American Firefinch)

Scientific Name: | Lagonosticta senegala |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.3–4.7 in (11–12 cm) |
Weight: | 0.4 oz (10–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 4.7–5.5 in (12–14 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 5 years |
The Red-billed Firefinch, or the American Firefinch, is a small passerine bird found across Sub-Saharan Africa.
It has a pinkish-red face, throat, and underparts. This beautiful pink bird is common in grasslands, open woodlands, and cultivated areas.
It is highly sociable, forming large flocks outside the breeding season. Red-billed Firefinches primarily feed on seeds, insects, and other small invertebrates.
The species is distinguished by its vivid coloration and distinctive call, making it a fascinating subject for birdwatchers and researchers studying avian ecology and behavior.
They can be kept in captivity with other bird species due to their even temperament. You can even keep a pair of Red-billed Firefinches in an indoor cage.
12. Crested Bunting

Scientific Name: | Emberiza lathami |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 6.7–7.1 in (17–18 cm) |
Weight: | 0.9–1.0 oz (26–29 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 5 years |
The Crested Bunting is a bird species native to the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. This bird displays a pinkish tint on its underparts and is known for the distinctive crest on its head.
The plumage of a Crested Bunting is quite similar to a Crow Pheasant. However, a male displays a glossy black color with bright chestnut wings, while a female has a dirty brown plumage and dull-colored wings.
It inhabits open hill forests and is often seen perched on high vantage points. They primarily consume seeds and insects.
Crested Buntings are appreciated for their melodious song and distinctive appearance, and birdwatchers often seek them out to observe their singing and feeding behaviors in their natural habitat.
13. Pink-throated Twinspot

Scientific Name: | Hypargos margaritatus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 5.1 in (13 cm) |
Weight: | 0.5 oz (14 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 7 years |
Native to Sub-Saharan Africa, the Pink-throated Twinspot is a small, striking bird known for its vibrant pink throat and chest. Males display this prominent trait, while females are mostly gray.
These birds inhabit dense thickets and are often elusive. They mostly forage in pairs on the grounds of dry and sand forests.
The Pink-throated Twinspot primarily feeds on seeds and occasionally on small insects. This pink bird is also monogamous and forms long-term pair bonds.
Despite their secretive nature, the vibrant coloration and unique patterns of the Pink-throated Twinspot make it a delightful find for bird enthusiasts in its native regions.
14. Rose-crowned Fruit Dove

Scientific Name: | Ptilinopus regina |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 7.9 in (20 cm) |
Weight: | 2.8–3.9 oz (80–110 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
The Rose-crowned Fruit Dove, native to Australia and Indonesia, is recognized by its vibrant pink crown and lime-green back. It is a tiny dove with round-shaped wings and a short tail.
It predominantly resides in rainforests and woodlands with an abundance of fruit trees. Sometimes, they can be found in mangroves.
These beautiful pink birds primarily consume various fruits, especially figs. They are also known for their distinctive and melodious calls.
These birds are usually seen singly or in small groups, and their colorful plumage makes them one of the most picturesque species in their range, attracting bird lovers and photographers alike.
15. Rosy Starling

Scientific Name: | Pastor roseus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 8.3 in (21 cm) |
Weight: | 2.6–3.2 oz (75–90 g) |
Wingspan: | 17–18 in (44–46 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 5 years |
The Rosy Starling is a passerine bird found in Asia and southeastern Europe. It boasts a pink body, pale wings, and a glossy black head. The Rosy Starling is a migratory species and forms massive flocks during migration.
These birds mainly feed on fruits, berries, and insects. This pink bird is renowned for its synchronized flying patterns and is a captivating sight during its seasonal movements.
The combination of its vibrant coloration and intriguing behavior patterns make the Rosy Starling a subject of interest for birdwatchers and scientists alike.
16. Bourke’s Parrot

Scientific Name: | Neopsephotus bourkii |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 7.5 in (19 cm) |
Weight: | 1.6 oz (45 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
The Bourkes Parrot is a small parrot native to Australia. It is characterized by its pink abdomen, brown back, and blue forehead. This bird prefers arid and semi-arid regions and is often found near water sources.
Bourkes Parrots primarily consume seeds and are often seen foraging on the ground. These birds are known for their tranquil and gentle nature, making them a popular choice among aviculturists.
The distinct coloring and serene demeanor of the Bourkes Parrot endear it to bird enthusiasts and pet owners.
17. Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo (Pink Cockatoo)

Scientific Name: | Lophochroa leadbeateri |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 13–15 in (34–38 cm) |
Weight: | 13.4–17.6 oz (380–500 g) |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Up to 75 years |
Named after Major Sir Thomas Mitchell, the Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo is a striking bird native to the semi-arid areas of Australia.
It is known for its soft pink plumage and prominent crest, displaying a mix of red, yellow, and white when raised.
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoos have a specialized diet consisting mainly of seeds from various native plants.
They are typically seen in pairs or small groups. The striking appearance and long lifespan of this species make it a desirable pet and a significant focus of conservation efforts.
18. Pink-headed Duck

Scientific Name: | Rhodonessa caryophyllacea |
Conservation Status: | Critically Endangered |
Length: | 20 in (51 cm) |
Weight: | Not specified |
Wingspan: | Not specified |
Lifespan: | Not specified |
The Pink-headed Duck, once native to India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, is believed to be extinct, with no confirmed sightings since the 1950s. This elusive pink bird primarily inhabited dense, swampy forests.
It was characterized by its pink head and neck and dark brown body. A male Pink-headed Duck has a pink bill, head, and neck. Meanwhile, a female has a paler pink hue.
The black of the body extends as a narrow strip on the front of the neck. Wings have a leading white edge.
The Pink-headed Duck is a diving duck, and it is assumed that its diet consists mainly of aquatic plants and small invertebrates.
The mysterious and enigmatic nature of the Pink-headed Duck has inspired ongoing searches and research, keeping hope alive for its rediscovery.
This beautiful pink bird often engages in mass migration in response to changes in its habitat conditions.
Final Thoughts
From the serene habitats of the Andean Flamingo to the elusive mystery surrounding the Pink-headed Duck, this journey through the world of beautiful pink birds has been both enlightening and captivating.
Each bird, with its unique shade of pink, contributes to the rich tapestry of biodiversity, reminding us of nature’s incredible capacity for variation and beauty.
Understanding and appreciating these pink birds not only adds color to our lives but also emphasizes the importance of conservation efforts to protect these avian wonders.
If you’ve been inspired by any of the birds discussed or have your own pink bird tales to share, please leave a comment below. Your insights and experiences enrich our collective knowledge.