Small birds with long beaks are an interesting group of birds, as they’ve developed specific features to accommodate their diets and environments.
Their slender beaks are just one example of the remarkable variety of nature’s designs. Hence, there’s no denying that the beaks of some of these birds are fascinating, as their length can exceed that of the bird itself.
In this piece, we will delve into the fascinating world of long-beaked small birds and learn about the incredible mechanisms that allow them to thrive in their environments.
24 Small Birds With Long Beaks
1. Common Kingfisher

Scientific Name: | Alcedo atthis |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 6.3–6.7 in (16–17 cm) |
Weight: | 0.92–1.37 oz (26–39 g) |
Wingspan: | 9.5–10 in (24–26 cm ) |
Lifespan: | Up to 15 years |
Throughout North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Africa, you may spot this near passerine bird known as the Kingfisher because of its long beak.
While the males’ beaks are short and dark, the females’ are long and black with a red patch at the base. They have coppery brown to orange breasts, while their back is a brilliant metallic blue.
To put it simply, Kingfishers are exceptional anglers. Hence, the long beaks of these birds allow them to dive for prey, such as minnows and dragonfly nymphs.
It’s possible to spot Kingfishers in areas with calm currents. You may see them waiting to dive for food by the water’s edge, where they are sitting on low-hanging branches or poles.
Fun Fact: Kingfishers catch their aquatic prey with their long beaks blindly since they close their eyes as they dive into the water.
2. Red Crossbill

Scientific Name: | Loxia curvirostra |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 5.5–6.3 in (14–16 cm) |
Weight: | 1.1–1.5 oz (31–42 g) |
Wingspan: | 9.8–10.6 in (25–27 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
One of the birds with a red patch on its head and a distinctively crossed beak used to remove seeds from pine cones is the Red Crossbill.
A close look at Red Crossbills reveals a curious adaptation. The long tips of their upper and lower beaks don’t meet but instead cross over each other.
That being said, Red Crossbills bite between the scales of a cone and pries them apart by opening its beak, then dislodging the seed with its tongue.
During the year, you can frequently spot small flocks of Red Crossbills. Typical habitats include old-growth coniferous forests, where the birds use their feet and bills to ascend to the tops of trees in search of conifer cones.
Interestingly, if the cone yield is good enough, they will breed in the winter.
3. Brown Creeper

Scientific Name: | Certhia americana |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.7–5.5 in (12–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.2–0.4 oz (5–10 g) |
Wingspan: | 6.7–7.9 in (17–20 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 4 years |
Like many other small brown birds, Brown Creepers also sport long, pointed beaks. They are mostly found in the western United States, where they feed on bugs and spiders and live in wooded areas and forests.
Their narrow, downward-curving beaks enable them to explore cracks and peel bark for loose pieces, and they construct their hammock-shaped woven nests behind these.
Their sharp sounds can be a huge help in locating this common but difficult-to-see species.
You can find Brown Creepers in parks and suburbs in the winter, and they blend in perfectly with the bark of trees in gloomy woodland edges.
These bird species can be easily seen in Mexico, Arkansas, and the northern Gulf States.
4. Hairy Woodpecker

Scientific Name: | Leuconotopicus villosus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 7–10.2 in (18–26 cm) |
Weight: | 1.4–3.4 oz (40–95 g) |
Wingspan: | 13–17 in (33–43 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 15 years |
The Hairy Woodpecker, albeit small, is a formidable creature, capable of pecking its way through the trunks and major branches of enormous trees using its long beak.
The upright, straight-backed position of Hairy Woodpeckers atop a tree trunk, along with their finely striped head, gives them a rather military look.
These small birds with black and white plumage are indigenous to North America, and their range extends from the coast to the highlands, from California to Alaska.
You may locate Hairy Woodpeckers by looking for black and white birds with striking patterns and examining the trunks and main branches of large trees.
If you listen closely, you may be able to hear the energetic tapping of Hairy Woodpeckers as they busily forage for food.
Fun Fact: Hairy Woodpeckers have the ability to peck as fast as 20 times per second. That is equivalent to almost 10,000 to 12,000 pecks daily.
5. Scarlet Myzomela

Scientific Name: | Myzomela sanguinolenta |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 3.5–4.3 in (9–11 cm) |
Weight: | 0.28–0.31 oz (8–9 g) |
Wingspan: | 7.1–7.5 in (18–19 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 6 years |
The Scarlet Myzomela, also known as the Scarlet Honeyeater, is easily recognizable thanks to its small size, short tail, long, downwardly curled black beak, and dark brown eyes.
It’s sexually dimorphic, with males being a stunning brilliant red with black wings and females being brown.
The majority of their diet consists of nectar; however, they may also consume fruit and insects if necessary. They often feed high in the canopy, on flowers and leaves, and do so solitarily or in small groups.
The southern half of Australia is where they are least prevalent because they are summer migratory birds; however, they may be found from Cooktown, Queensland, to Gippsland, Victoria.
Scarlet Honeyeaters live in open woodlands and forests with an adequate understory, particularly near wetlands and, on occasion, in rainforests. Blooming plants on city streets, parks, and gardens are good places to spot them.
In my recent exploratory trip to Australia, I had the chance to work with a colleague on the research for several birds, including Scarlet Myzomelas. However, I was given an early heads-up that these birds may be difficult to locate in captivity.
In fact, in their area, a specialist license is needed to take care of one because these birds require special handling. This is partly due to their territorial nature and their tendency for aggression in habitats containing different species.
6. American Woodcock

Scientific Name: | Scolopax minor |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 9.8–11.8 in (25–30 cm) |
Weight: | 5–8.1 oz (140–230 g) |
Wingspan: | 16.5–18.9 in (42–48 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
Belonging to the group of small brown birds with an orange chest, the American Woodcock also has a long beak that resembles rubber darts. Their long legs help them navigate muddy and watery environments, and their beak size is ideal for digging up worms.
American Woodcocks are insectivorous predators that feast mostly on earthworms and other invertebrates.
Insect eggs, larvae, snails, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, snipe flies, beetles, and ants are all part of their diet. They might also nibble on some plant matter, mostly seeds.
You’re more likely to spot a Woodcock in the spring sunset, as that’s when the males do their spectacular display flights, often known as sky dances.
Listen for the bird’s characteristic, buzzy peent call, made at fairly short intervals.
Fun Fact: What if you had eyes in the back of your head? American Woodcocks come close; their huge eyes are located high on the head, toward the back. This setup allows them to keep an eye on the sky for potential threats even as they rummage around the ground for food.
7. Brown-headed Nuthatch

Scientific Name: | Sitta pusilla |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 3.5–4.3 in (9–11 cm) |
Weight: | 0.35–0.42 oz (10–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 6.3–7.1 in (16–18 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
A small bird with a long beak called the Brown-headed Nuthatch lives in the eastern United States. Their name comes from the fact that they have a black head and a white chest patch.
Brown-headed Nuthatches primarily forage for insects and wild berries high in trees, although they sometimes eat seeds found in grass.
Throughout the year, you can hear pairs of these birds calling to each other from the treetops. In the Southeast, a mature pine forest with an open understory is your best bet for spotting Brown-headed Nuthatches.
When the squeaky sound of a rubber ducky drifts down out of the canopy in a southern pine forest floor, be on the lookout for these brown-headed birds.
8. Plain-Capped Starthroat

Scientific Name: | Heliomaster constantii |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.3–4.7 in (11–12 cm) |
Weight: | 0.25–0.28 oz (7–8 g) |
Wingspan: | 5.1–7 in (13–17.8 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
Small and brown in color, the Plain-capped Starthroat has a long, thin beak and a bronze-green tail with white tips on the outer 3 to 4 pairs of feathers. Their wingspan goes all the way to the end of their tail.
Plain-capped Starthroats get their nutrition from the nectar produced by a wide range of flowers. As such, they prefer sweet-smelling flowers.
Their diet consists of nectar, tiny insects collected by hawking from an open perch, and foliage.
They can catch most insects either in flight while being plucked from leaves or branches or while entangled in spider webs.
This hummingbird is typically found in the arid forests of Mexico, although it has been spotted in Arizona as well.
Fun Fact: Nesting female Plain-capped Starthroats can capture as many as 2,000 insects a day!
9. Rufous-tailed Jacamar

Scientific Name: | Galbula ruficauda |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 8.3–9.8 in (21–25 cm) |
Weight: | 0.9–1.1 oz (25–33 g) |
Wingspan: | 9.8–12.2 in (25–31 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 7 years |
The Rufous-tailed Jacamar is a gorgeous bird with a long, brilliantly colored tail and a long, curved beak. The top of these birds is metallic green, and the bottom, including the undertails, is mostly orange.
These insectivores hunt by perching, angling their bills upward, and then swooping down to collect insects in midair.
Their common insect prey include flies, beetles, bees, dragonflies, butterflies, and butterfly larvae. Also, by looking at their bodies, they can tell which butterflies are hard to catch and which ones aren’t.
When they fly, their brilliant blue wings stand out against the sky.
Spread across most of Central and South America, including Mexico, these passerine bird species live in marshes and swamps, where they subsist on small crabs and insects.
10. Common Redshank

Scientific Name: | Tringa totanus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 9.4–10.6 in (24–27 cm) |
Weight: | 3.2–4.5 oz (92–127 g) |
Wingspan: | 18.5–20.9 in (47–53 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
The Common Redshank is a small bird with long legs and a long beak that can be found in many parts of Eurasia. The vibrant legs of these redshank birds are where they got their name.
In the off-season, their colors are a more rusty orange but turn to vibrant crimson during mating season. These species are officially considered a vagrant after being spotted in the Americas.
In addition, these birds are watchful and vocal, and their piping calls will alert any nearby wildlife.
They are carnivores that feed on a wide variety of insects, spiders, worms, and other arthropods. The consumption of fish and tadpoles has also been reported.
These migratory species spend their winter on the Mediterranean coast, the Atlantic coast of Europe south of Ireland and Great Britain, and the shores of South Asia.
11. Common Sandpiper

Scientific Name: | Actitis hypoleucos |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 7–8 in (18–20.5 cm) |
Weight: | 1.4–2 oz (41–56 g) |
Wingspan: | 12.6–13.8 in (32–25 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
The Common Sandpiper is very small for a bird with such a large beak. These brown birds have white splotches on their backs and tails.
They’re an opportunistic feeder that uses their keen eyesight to find their prey on land or in shallow water.
Their long, skinny beak makes it ideal for snatching insects and tinier fish. Thus, they feed primarily on insects but also often take flying insects and other invertebrates. They are sociable birds that travel in big groups.
Common Sandpipers spend the summer all over the temperate and subtropical regions of Europe and Asia. In winter, they migrate to Africa, southern Asia, and Australia.
In one of my visits to the Philippines, it was easy to spot and observe groups of Common Sandpipers along the river edges.
As they foraged on the ground with their long beaks, I noticed a distinct movement where their heads and rear ends constantly kept bobbing. This behavior they exhibit while on the ground is known as “teetering.”
12. Calliope Hummingbird

Scientific Name: | Selasphorus calliope |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 2.7–4 in (7–10 cm) |
Weight: | 0.07–0.1 oz (2–3 g) |
Wingspan: | 4.1–4.3 in (10.5–11 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
As one of the smallest birds with long beaks in North America, the Calliope Hummingbird is just around three inches in length and weighs approximately 0.1 of an ounce.
Once known as Little Star, this genus name has been changed to the Greek muse Calliope, which inspired the name of this bird.
The only time two or more Calliope Hummingbirds will come together is during mating season. Males will fight to the death to protect their breeding and feeding grounds from other males.
The daytime is when you’ll find Calliope Hummingbirds out and about, perching or hovering above blooms to siphon nectar with their long, flexible tongues. They might even be able to catch flying insects of a certain size.
Some of them migrate annually from Canada to southern Mexico. This proves that despite their diminutive size, they can withstand the cold summer evenings at high elevations in the northern Rockies.
13. Lucifer Hummingbird

Scientific Name: | Calothorax lucifer |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 3.5–4 in (9–10 cm) |
Weight: | 0.10–0.11 oz (2.7–3.3 g) |
Wingspan: | 4–4.3 in (10–11 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 5 years |
One of the brightest birds with a long beak, the Lucifer Hummingbird can be found in the high mountain regions in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. However, throughout the winter, they migrate to central Mexico.
These hummingbirds have olive-green heads with white streaks behind their eyes and gorgets that flare outward in a characteristic fashion. Their long curved beak, sharp claws, and tail make up for their small stature.
Lucifer Hummingbirds are members of the sheartail genus of hummingbirds, so named because of the sharply forked, slender shape of their tails. Hence, they are one of the most coveted birds by ornithologists.
The bulk of their diet is made up of bees, spiders, small insects, and nectar from agave and other colorful desert flowers. Further, all hummingbirds commonly feed on flowers, snatch insects in midair, and travel in straight lines.
Lucifer Hummingbirds, like most hummingbird species, live for about 3 to 5 years on average.
14. Rivoli’s Hummingbird

Scientific Name: | Eugenes fulgens |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.3–5.5 in (11–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.21–0.35 oz (6–10 g) |
Wingspan: | 7–7.5 in (17.8–19cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
The Rivoli’s Hummingbird is one of the two largest species of the hummingbird family in the United States. They have a long beak that can be either perfectly straight or slightly bent.
Their dark appearance is belied by the vivid colors that emerge in the sunshine, which both sexes share. Despite their large size for hummingbirds, these species rarely harass smaller birds at feeders or flower bushes.
In place of this, they trapline or follow a set path between widely spaced patches of flowers, stopping at each along the way to suck nectar from their extremely long beak.
Throughout the winter, these birds travel as far north as California from their year-round homes in Mexico and Central America.
Most birding lodges and B&Bs in southeastern Arizona have hummingbird gardens that attract these species in the spring and summer, which is the best time of year to see Rivoli’s Hummingbirds.
15. Sword-billed Hummingbird

Scientific Name: | Ensifera ensifera |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 5.1–5.5 in (13–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.5 oz (10–15 g) |
Wingspan: | 5–6 inches (12.5–15 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
The Sword-billed Hummingbird has an exceptional beak length, which makes it stand out from other birds and is the inspiration for its name. They are dark in color, fairly heavy, and slightly curved upward.
Even after discounting their tail, their beak is longer than the rest of their entire body. Thus, having a beak longer than their body allows these bird species to access flowers with long corollas, which are too long for other animals to reach.
These birds are vital to the pollination of numerous plant species, both wild and cultivated, on which they rely for their food. Flowers that have very lengthy corollas would not survive without the Sword-billed Hummingbirds’ help in pollinating them.
Furthermore, Sword-billed Hummingbirds inhabit the Andes from western Venezuela through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Watch this video of Sword-billed Hummingbirds to learn more about their amazing long beaks and how they make them unique:
16. Bewick’s Wren

Scientific Name: | Thryomanes bewickii |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 5.1–5.5 in (13–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.4 oz (8–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 6.7–7 in (17–18 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 8 years |
The small, long-beaked bird known as the Bewick’s Wren can be found in most of the United States. They are around 5.5 inches long, have a brown head that is white on the bottom, and have a long white brow.
Their long, black-barred tail with white edges is easily recognizable. These tails also make constant movements, which can easily draw attention.
Bewick’s Wrens feed primarily on insects. They scavenge the foliage, including tree trunks, for insects and insect eggs. That said, they immediately kill and wholly swallow insects they catch.
Moreover, these skilled vocalists use a variety of short whistles, warbles, burrs, and trills to court potential partners, warn off potential predators, and reprimand unwanted guests.
In the western part of North America, you may hear and see Bewick’s Wrens in arid, brushy, or scrubby areas.
Fun Fact: Similar to humans wiping their mouths with tissue paper to clean the surrounding food debris after meals, Bewick’s Wrens have been observed wiping their beaks repeatedly on their perches after they eat.
17. Cactus Wren

Scientific Name: | Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 7–7.5 in (18–19 cm) |
Weight: | 1.2–1.6 oz (33–47 g) |
Wingspan: | 10.6–11 in (27–28 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 7 years |
The Cactus Wren is a small, brown bird with a long beak that lives in Michigan and other places. It’s Arizona’s official bird and also happens to be the country’s largest wren species.
Whether they are hopping around on the ground, fanning their tails, or singing from the tops of cacti, Cactus Wrens are never at a loss for anything to do.
As such, they make a rough, scratchy sound like someone is trying to start a car at all hours of the day.
In addition, the hardy Cactus Wrens are real desert-dwelling birds because they are able to survive without any source of standing water. Thus, they are renowned as the quintessential desert bird of the American Southwest.
Furthermore, these little, brown birds with long beaks are only found in the arid regions of the southwestern United States and central Mexico.
18. Canyon Wren

Scientific Name: | Catherpes mexicanus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.3–6 in (11–15 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.6 oz (10–18 g) |
Wingspan: | 7.1–7.9 in (18–20 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 2 years |
The Canyon Wren is a small bird with a long beak and a great voice; their song is a beautiful series of lovely, cascading whistles that reverberate off the canyon walls.
Hence, their loud, melodious song attracts the attention of birdwatchers and music lovers alike.
They are extremely nimble birds that mostly forage for insects in rocky areas, where they can scale cliff walls and probe into cracks with surgical precision using their long, thin beaks.
Moreover, the falling succession of whistles made by Canyon Wrens is one of the most recognizable bird cries in the rocky canyons of the western United States.
Further, a 2013 study indicated that the vocalization of Canyon Wrens changes as they progress into the breeding cycle. This is in relation to their need to attract mates and protect their territories.
19. Carolina Wrens

Scientific Name: | Thryothorus ludovicianus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 5–5.5 in (12.5–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.6–0.8 oz (18–23 g) |
Wingspan: | 9.4–11.4 in (24–29 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
Although the Carolina Wren’s vivid plumage and melodious voice make it more difficult to spot than other wrens, few even bigger birds produce as much sound power as this small bird with a long beak.
During the day, Carolina Wrens forage for food on the ground or close to it, or they hide in thickets of plants and vines.
In addition, they look for food by picking up leaf litter and probing it for insects and by examining bark cracks at lower tree levels.
Dense vegetation is their ideal habitat, such as that found in forests, along the boundaries of farms, and in suburban areas.
South Carolina’s official bird is the Carolina Wren. Nonetheless, eastern South America, the southernmost part of Ontario, Canada, and the northeastern part of Mexico are all home to Carolina Wrens.
20. Winter Wren

Scientific Name: | Troglodytes hiemalis |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 3.1–4.7 in (8–12 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.4 oz (8–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 4.7–6.3 in (12–16 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 7 years |
The Winter Wren is a little bird native to the northern parts of America. They are members of the predominantly new world wren family Troglodytidae and are distinguished by their long, skinny beaks.
The body of Winter Wrens is mostly brown, with dark bars on their wings, tail, and underside. It regularly bounces up and down while holding its little tail in a rigid position.
Further, Winter Wrens run and hop around fallen logs like mice, looking for bugs in the exposed roots and plants.
In summer, evergreen forests with plenty of fallen logs and deep understories near streams are prime habitats for Winter Wrens.
When winter comes around, they shift out of the dense forest and into semi-open habitats or younger, moist woodlands, making themselves more exposed.
They live in the Arctic regions of North America, Europe, Asia, and the Arctic Ocean islands.
21. Marsh Wren

Scientific Name: | Cistothorus palustris |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 3.9–5.5 in (10–14 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.5 oz (8.5–14.2 g) |
Wingspan: | 5.7–6 in (14–15.2 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 9 years |
In the wren family of North American birds, the Marsh Wren is the smallest member. Its long beak helps to set it apart from its close relative, the Sedge Wren, which is sometimes referred to as the short-billed marsh wren.
The backs of these rusty-brown wrens are streaked with black and white, and their eyebrows are white. As little as they may be, Marsh Wrens may be quite dangerous.
As they compete for food and shelter, they frequently penetrate the eggs of other birds and devour their young. Insects, spiders, and snails make up the bulk of their diet.
Furthermore, these Marsh Wrens require tall vegetation in the form of cattails and bulrush in order to nest successfully.
Marsh Wrens are found throughout North America, where they spend the colder months of the year in the brushy margins of ponds, freshwater and saltwater marshes, and other bodies of water.
22. Rock Wren

Scientific Name: | Salpinctes obsoletus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.9–5.9 in (12.5–15 cm) |
Weight: | 0.5–0.6 oz (15–18 g) |
Wingspan: | 8.7–9.4 in (22–24 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 5 years |
A small bird with a long beak, the Rock Wren, lives in dry, rocky canyons and piles of boulders that look like they have nothing on them.
Rock Wrens build a path to their nest using small, flat stones or pebbles. Most of the time, the nest is hidden in a crack or a rock, but the pavement may show where it is.
Rock Wrens hop around rocks all the time, looking in cracks for bugs and spiders, which they pull out with their thin bills.
They adapt well to changing environments so that they can live in deserts where few other birds live. Hence, a pair of Rock Wrens could live on almost any slope with a few plants, lots of cracks, and some shade.
Moreover, you can mostly find them in the restored Mayan and Aztec ruins of Mexico and Central America, where the land is dry.
23. House Wren

Scientific Name: | Troglodytes aedo |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.3–5.1 in (11–13 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.4 oz (10–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 6–6.3 in (15–16 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 7 years |
The House Wren is a common bird with a long beak that has been called by that name for a very long time because of its tendency to nest near or in birdhouses.
While their rich, bubbly song is frequently witnessed during the nesting season, they are rarely heard once the season has ended.
In spite of their lack of vivid colors, House Wrens bring a vibrant energy to gardens and metropolitan parks by bouncing around with their short tail raised high.
House Wrens have several subspecies, and their range extends from central Canada to southern South America.
In spite of their common name, House Wrens are not limited to living near humans. They may be found in a wide variety of natural settings, including open woods, woodlands, dense bushes, valleys, and orchards.
24. Sedge Warbler

Scientific Name: | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
Conservation Status: | Least Concern |
Length: | 4.5–5.1 in (11.5–13 cm) |
Weight: | 0.3–0.4 oz (10–12 g) |
Wingspan: | 6.7–8.3 in (17–21 cm) |
Lifespan: | Up to 2 years |
The Sedge Warbler is a species of Old World warbler and a close relative of the Old World babbler family. These birds are relatively small with a long beak and have a brown back, wings with streaks, and a noticeable light supercilium.
In contrast to the duller wings, their rump is warm brown and unspotted. They have a strong, pointed bill, a black crown with a streak of white, and a flattened forehead.
The Sedge Warbler population is incredibly large, and their distribution spans over 100 nations on three continents.
In winter months, you can find them in wet grasslands and lowland rainforests. On the other hand, their breeding grounds are in the lowlands and valleys of cooler climates near water.
Have you encountered comparable small birds with exceptionally long beaks? You can share your thoughts or ask any questions about any of these birds in the comments below.