For those who aren’t familiar with baby toucans, they are as adorable as their adult counterparts. They start their journey fragile and tiny, yet they grow rapidly, capturing the attention of everyone who sees them.
However, remember that a baby toucan is actually quite hard to find. Unlike other birds that can be located in the wild in many areas around the world, this type of chick rarely leaves its nest to ensure survival.
Luckily, this article provides detailed information about baby toucans without requiring you to look for them yourself. Learn about their appearance, diet, size, care requirements, and habitat preferences here.
What Is a Baby Toucan Called?

Baby toucans, those vibrant members of the bird family Ramphastidae, are commonly referred to as “chicks.”
As they grow a bit older, but before they fully mature, they can also be called “fledglings,” a name they share with juvenile blue jays and robins.
What Does a Baby Toucan Look Like?

When a baby toucan hatches from its eggshell, it is altricial. This means it is born tiny, blind, pink-colored, and featherless.
Meanwhile, its iconic large bill, which becomes a defining feature as it matures, is already visible but has yet to fully develop.
As baby toucans transition to fledglings, they begin to sprout feathers. However, these new plumes can give them a slightly disheveled look, a charming phase before their majestic adult appearance takes form.
Baby Toucan Pictures and Videos
Have you ever seen a baby toucan in its early stages of development? If not, this section is perfect for you. Here, you will find a collection of pictures and videos of baby toucans, all of which are guaranteed to make your day.
You can start by watching this video of a group of featherless baby toucans:
In addition, the following is a rare photo of a Green-billed toucan baby taking a stroll:

As a bonus, here is an adorable image of two baby toucans resting on the ground:

On top of that, if you’re curious about how baby toucans eat, check out this video:
The photo below shows another baby toucan, one that is just beginning to grow its feathers:

Finally, here is a video of the rapid change in appearance that baby toucans go through as they mature from babyhood to adulthood:
Based on the photos and videos provided above, it’s evident that baby toucans are incredibly charming creatures. Their transformation from small, featherless beings to vibrant, colorful birds is nothing short of amazing.
How Big Is a Baby Toucan?
Baby toucans are tiny when they are born, particularly when compared to the fully grown version of their species. Simply put, in their earliest stages, they offer only a hint of the size they will eventually become.
However, note that a toucan baby will undergo a significant growth journey. As it advances to adulthood, a toucan can stretch anywhere from 11 to 24 inches in length.
How Much Do Baby Toucans Weigh?

When a baby toucan first breaks free from its egg, it weighs a mere 1 to 1.5 ounces, a subtle beginning for such a distinct bird. Its lightweight nature at this stage emphasizes its initial vulnerability.
However, remember that growth comes swiftly in the world of birds. By the time it reaches around four months, you can expect that a baby toucan’s weight will increase to a substantial 30 to 40 ounces.
Where Do Baby Toucans Live?
Baby toucans find their homes in the dense tropical regions of Central and South America.
However, it is worth noting that these young birds don’t simply perch on branches. Instead, their parents craft their homes by drilling holes in trees, establishing a secure and concealed environment.
This photo shows a Chestnut Mandibled toucan living inside a tree, with its head and large beak poking out:

The baby toucans’ habitats are characterized by altitude, though. Preferring to nest at heights of at least 1,600 feet off the ground, they are often found in areas that are hard to access by humans or other animals.
How Long Do Baby Toucans Stay With Their Parents?
Since baby toucans are altricial birds, they are born helpless and dependent on their caretakers. This indicates that a newborn toucan stays with its mother and father for a few months after hatching.
Yet, while a young toucan takes its first bold steps of venturing out of its nest at about six weeks old, it does not instantly cut off ties with its parents.
Instead, the fledgling remains under the protective care of its mom and dad for a more extended period, usually around 4 to 5 months.
What Do Baby Toucans Eat?

Baby toucans, reliant on their parents for nourishment, are fed a varied diet right from the beginning. This includes plants, bugs, lizards, and small mammals like rodents.
Yet, it should be noted that the diet differs when these birds are raised in captivity.
In this setting, caregivers often provide baby toucans with a mix of bird formula and a colorful array of fruits, including oranges, figs, mangoes, melons, and bananas.
How Do Toucans Feed Their Babies?
Feeding their young is a delicate and vital process for adult toucans. Specifically, in order to ensure their chicks get the nutrition they need, parents give them partially digested or regurgitated food.
This method makes it easier for baby toucans to eat solid meals because their digestive system is not yet fully developed.
Remarkably, despite their large and intimidating bills, toucan parents showcase outstanding gentleness. They use their beaks with precision and care, ensuring their fledglings receive their meals safely.
How Many Babies Do Toucans Have?

When it’s time for toucans to expand their family, a female typically lays a clutch of 2 to 4 eggs. This modest number ensures that the parents can adequately care for and feed each toucan chick.
Once laid, the anticipation isn’t long-lived; hatching these toucan eggs is relatively quick, taking between 15 and 20 days.
Can Baby Toucans Fly?
Baby toucans begin their lives in a notably vulnerable state. To be specific, they are born with their eyes tightly shut, so their world remains dark for a while.
In short, their vision is too poor to fly right after hatching. Yet, as they grow and develop, the baby toucans’ eyes will eventually open — and with time and maturity — they’ll gain the skills and confidence needed to take flight.
When Can Baby Toucans Fly?

Having observed baby toucans for years, I’ve had the privilege of watching their developmental milestones up close, especially when it comes to learning how to fly.
For one, I noticed that by their third week, these baby birds show signs of their future aerial abilities: they tremble their wings and begin to open their eyes.
Yet, despite these early indications, it is only 6 to 8 weeks post-hatching that they genuinely gain the ability to fly.
What Should You Do If You Find a Baby Toucan?
Finding a baby toucan can be a heartwarming yet concerning experience. Firstly, it’s essential to remember that keeping a toucan as a pet is often prohibited without the appropriate permit.
However, if you encounter a bald, seemingly vulnerable young toucan, it might be in need of assistance. Still, don’t act hastily.
Spend time watching from a distance first, as the parents could be nearby, temporarily away to forage. If, after careful observation, you’re sure the toucan chick is abandoned, take precautions to keep it safe.
Then, promptly contact local wildlife rescues, wildlife rehabilitators, or avian veterinarians who can provide the specialized care these baby birds require.
How to Take Care of a Baby Toucan

Raising a baby toucan is a unique venture, permitted only in certain states or with a special license. If, perhaps, you’ve been granted this privilege, you’ll need to know how to care for your new feathered friends.
Start with their environment. The ideal temperature for these vibrant birds falls between 64 and 82 °F, with a humidity level ranging from 60 to 85%.
Regarding diet, note that both adults and baby toucans are frugivores, meaning they have an appetite for fruits. Papayas, bananas, mangoes, and melons are some of their favorites.
When considering space, plan an aviary with dimensions of around 13x10x10 feet for a pair, giving them ample room to thrive.
Lastly, cleanliness is key. Hence, make it a daily routine to maintain your baby toucans’ area, ensuring they remain healthy and happy.
Hopefully, this guide has given you a thorough understanding of baby toucans. For those who have had experiences with a baby toucan or have additional insights, the comment section eagerly awaits your thoughts!