Goose eggs have captured the attention of many due to their huge size and flavorful taste. In fact, these round objects have gained popularity as alternatives to chicken and duck eggs in a lot of different recipes.
However, how different are goose eggs? Are they really worth getting compared to the more common ones?
In this article, we will look into everything you need to know about goose eggs, including how they are laid, how often they are produced, how they taste, and even some goose egg recipes you can try! Read on!
What Do Goose Eggs Look Like?

When we think of barnyard eggs, goose eggs stand out in two main ways: size and shell strength. If you’ve ever seen a goose egg, you’ll immediately notice they’re enormous and can weigh as much as 7 ounces.
The beginning of the laying season might give slightly smaller eggs, but soon enough, they grow to their impressive size. Further, the appearance of goose eggs can range from a pure white to a creamy shade.
On another note, the shells of goose eggs are incredibly thick. Breaking one open requires a good, strong tap and is much sturdier than a chicken or duck egg.
How Big Are Goose Eggs?
Goose eggs are notably larger than most other barnyard eggs. Typically, they weigh between 4 1/4 and 6 1/2 ounces. To put that in perspective, one goose egg is roughly the same as two duck eggs or three chicken eggs!
Diving deeper into the makeup of these eggs, the shell alone accounts for 12% of its total weight. Meanwhile, the egg white takes up 57%, leaving the yolk to fill the remaining 31%. This unique composition adds to their distinct size and feel.
Check this video to have a visual feel of how big goose eggs are and how they compare to chicken eggs:
How Many Eggs Do Geese Lay at Once?

Geese have a unique egg-laying pattern that sets them apart from other birds. Typically, a goose will lay between 12-15 eggs before deciding to sit on them. This collection of eggs is known as a clutch.
While this is the general trend, it’s not fixed. Some geese might start brooding after laying a lower average of 6 to 10 eggs. Interestingly, both male and female geese share the responsibility of brooding.
Each day, a female goose lays one egg, continuing this pattern until she reaches around 15 eggs. This process is slow by design; each egg takes 28 to 35 days to incubate.
It’s believed that this deliberate pace is an evolutionary advantage, allowing geese to better guard their nests from potential threats. If geese were to lay more than 15 eggs, they couldn’t properly shield them all during incubation.
How Many Eggs Does a Goose Lay Per Year?
Geese are different from other poultry birds when it comes to laying eggs. They’re seasonal layers, usually producing eggs from the end of February to the end of May.
On average, a goose will lay around 30 to 50 eggs annually. However, this number can vary based on the specific breed and age of the goose.
To add, here is a table showing different goose breeds and their average annual egg production:
Goose Breed | Annual Egg Production |
Egyptian | 5–10 |
American Buff | 10–25 |
Roman | 25–35 |
Embden | 10–40 |
African | 20–40 |
Toulouse | 25–40 |
Diepholz | 35–45 |
Pilgrim | 35–45 |
Sebastopol | 30–50 |
Pomeranian | 30–70 |
Chinese | 40–100 |
Based on this, you might notice that geese lay fewer eggs compared to other poultry. This makes each one a bit more special.
How Often Do Geese Lay Eggs?

Unlike their chicken counterparts, most geese breeds have a once-a-year egg-laying routine, typically just after the early spring mating season.
This isn’t just a matter of biology but also due to human intervention. While chickens have been selectively bred to increase egg production because of their widespread farming, geese are generally farmed more for their meat.
However, not all geese are limited in their egg production. Some species, particularly in Asia, are more prolific layers. The Chinese Goose stands out in this aspect.
Popular in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, this particular breed can lay up to 50 eggs each year, showcasing a significant deviation from the norm.
When Do Geese Lay Eggs?
Geese predominantly lay their eggs in spring, following the mating season. Though the primary egg-laying period for geese is from February to May, there are exceptions.
Young geese experiencing their first breeding season might lay a clutch in late fall, while certain farmed geese breeds are conditioned to produce eggs throughout the year.
Are Goose Eggs Good to Eat?

Absolutely! Goose eggs aren’t just good to eat; they’re a treat for the taste buds. Packed with more protein, calories, and vitamins than chicken eggs, they stand out with a richer flavor.
Their vibrant, deep-orange yolks contribute to colorful batters, and the denseness of the whites ensures a thicker mix when baking.
Further, when you think of goose eggs, think big. About three times larger than chicken eggs, their size is impressive. But beyond that, they are scrumptious, whether fried or poached.
Since they’re considered a delicacy, it also means that it comes at a steeper price. However, the taste experience makes it worth the investment.
What Do Goose Eggs Taste Like?
Goose eggs pack a flavorful punch, much like how goose meat is richer than chicken meat. They’re characterized by a taste that’s more pronounced: richer, fattier, and heftier.
Their yolks stand out with a deep color and robust flavor, making them seem “eggier.”
This enhanced taste can be attributed to how geese are raised. Most graze on pastures, pecking around for varied foods. This rich and diverse diet translates into deeply colored and flavorful yolks that elevate the taste.
Goose Egg Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Goose eggs stand out in the world of eggs due to their unique nutritional profile and many health benefits. The size of goose eggs, combined with the specific diet of waterfowls, results in eggs that are richer in many nutrients.
Specifically, goose eggs boast higher amounts of cholesterol, Omega-3 fatty acids, and fat, surpassing the likes of chicken, quail, and even duck eggs in protein and calorie content.
Furthermore, these eggs are a treasure trove of essential nutrients packed with iron, selenium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B9, and B12.
Here are some of the major nutritional facts and health benefits that make goose eggs a noteworthy choice for those seeking a nutritious dietary addition:
1. Goose eggs have a lot of cholesterol
Goose eggs have significant cholesterol content. With 852 mg per 100 g and 1227 mg in a single egg, they surpass the daily recommended cholesterol intake of 300 mg.
While they’re a tasty treat, it’s wise not to consume them daily. When you decide to have one, consider combining a full egg with an additional egg white, which cuts down on cholesterol since the yolk holds most of it.
2. The caloric content of goose eggs is high
Packed with 266 calories each, goose eggs are calorically dense, primarily due to the fat in the yolk. While they’re nutrient-rich, it’s best to enjoy them in moderation to avoid unnecessary calorie intake.
3. These eggs pack a substantial amount of fat
Goose eggs have a substantial fat amount, with 19.11 g in each egg, mainly located in the yolk.
Each goose egg offers a variety of fats: 5.2 g of saturated, 8.3 g of monounsaturated, and 2.4 g of polyunsaturated fats. Additionally, they come with 1227 mg of cholesterol.
While this may sound alarming, remember that in moderation, these fats can provide essential nutrients beneficial for brain health and maintaining radiant skin.
4. Goose eggs are a protein powerhouse
When it comes to proteins, goose eggs excel, surpassing even chicken and duck eggs.
These proteins are complete, which means they contain all essential amino acids vital for muscle development and maintaining optimal brain function.
5. Goose eggs are a solid source of iron
Iron is another notable nutrient in goose eggs, with each egg offering 5.24 mg. Consuming iron supports energy levels and proper muscle function and is particularly beneficial for individuals prone to anemia.
6. Goose eggs contribute significantly to phosphorus intake
Each goose egg contributes 300 mg of phosphorus, rounding up to about a quarter of our daily requirement. Regular phosphorus intake is pivotal for maintaining robust bones and teeth.
7. These eggs are beneficial for brain health
Goose eggs are loaded with folic acid and vitamin B12. These are crucial not only for general health but especially for brain health, aiding in the prevention of several neural ailments.
8. Goose eggs are great for eyesight and immunity
Promote sharp eyesight and fortify your immune system by eating goose eggs, thanks to their rich vitamin A content. Additionally, they’re a valuable source of selenium, which is fundamental for thyroid health.
9. Goose eggs provide an array of other vital nutrients
Apart from the mentioned nutrients, goose eggs are a reservoir of vitamins like D, B1, B2, and B6. They also provide minerals such as potassium, sodium, and zinc.
Given their size, these eggs amplify the delivery of these vital nutrients.
10. Omega-3 fatty acids are a highlight of goose eggs
The diet of geese ensures that their eggs are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. These are not only heart-friendly but also play a significant role in promoting brain health.
Best Ways to Cook and Eat Goose Eggs

With the rich and flavorful taste of goose eggs, along with their unparalleled health benefits, you may be interested in some ways to prepare simple yet delectable dishes with this as a main ingredient.
Try these delicious recipes that can enrich your experience with goose eggs.
Goose Egg Omelet
- 2 tablespoons of butter (split it in half)
- 1/2 of a diced onion
- 1/2 cup of cut-up mushrooms
- 1 goose egg
- 2 ounces of grated cheddar cheese
- A pinch of salt and pepper (as you like it)
- Set your cast-iron skillet to medium-high heat. Melt half of your butter (1 tablespoon).
- Add onions and mushrooms to the skillet. Cook them until they’re golden, then take them out.
- Grab a fresh skillet. Put in the other half of your butter.
- While the butter’s melting, crack the goose egg into a bowl and give it a good stir.
- Pour the stirred egg into the skillet. Wait until the sides firm up a bit.
- Now, sprinkle your cooked onion and mushroom mix, along with the cheese, on one-half of the egg. Sprinkle some salt and pepper too.
- Wait for about 1 or 2 minutes more, then use your spatula to fold over your omelet.
- Place it on a plate, and maybe pair it with a fresh salad. Dive in and enjoy!
Chive-Topped Deviled Goose Eggs
- 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- 4 goose eggs
- 4 teaspoons of vinegar
- 2 teaspoons of mustard
- Salt and pepper
- chopped parsley (for toppings)
- Grab a nonstick pan, fill it with water, and bring it to a boil. Pop in the eggs and set a timer for about 10 minutes.
- Once they’ve boiled, turn off the heat but leave the pan where it is. Cover the pan and let the eggs sit in the hot water for another 10 minutes.
- Carefully take out the eggs and let them cool. This makes peeling them a lot easier.
- Once they’re cool, peel the shells off and slice the eggs in half, long ways.
- Gently scoop out the yolks from each half and put them in a bowl.
- To the yolks, add the mayo, vinegar, mustard, salt, and pepper. Stir it all up, but don’t overdo the salt.
- Spoon this mix back into the empty egg whites.
- Finish by sprinkling the chopped parsley on top. They’re ready to eat!
Egg Soufflé
- 3 goose eggs
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- 1 cup of milk
- ½ cup of cheese (grated)
- Salt and pepper
- Use a nonstick pan to warm the milk on medium heat. Be careful; you want it hot but not boiling.
- Toss in the cheese once the milk’s warm. Keep stirring until the cheese melts, avoiding any lumps.
- Take the pan off the heat and let it cool a bit.
- While it’s cooling, crack the eggs into a bowl and give them a good beating. Mix in the flour, salt, and pepper.
- Gradually mix your egg combo with the milk and cheese in the pan.
- Put the pan back on the stove, but this time on low heat. Cook the mix for about 20 minutes.
- As soon as it’s done, serve it up while it’s still warm!
Get creative! Add things like ham, parmesan, peppers, Swiss cheese, mustard, mushrooms, onions, herbs, or prosciutto.
With the richness of flavor of goose eggs, you can experiment with virtually any dish and substitute your normal chicken egg recipes with them.
Do Goose Eggs Taste Like Chicken Eggs?

When it comes to flavor, goose eggs are often compared to duck eggs but have a more intense “eggy” taste. While duck eggs taste pretty much like chicken eggs, a tad stronger, goose eggs take that flavor up a notch.
It’s a bit challenging to nail down the exact taste of an egg. But imagine the taste of a chicken egg, then multiply that richness by ten. That’s the robust and distinct flavor of a goose egg.
Are Goose Eggs Good for Scrambled Eggs?
Absolutely! Goose eggs make a tasty choice for scrambled eggs. They are larger and pack a more intense flavor compared to the usual hen eggs.
Not only are they delicious scrambled, but they’re also versatile and can be prepared similarly to their chicken counterparts.
If you’re thinking of incorporating goose eggs into your recipes, remember they have a larger volume. This means adjustments might be necessary, especially in baked goods.
One of the techniques that a baker friend passed on to me was to add an extra chicken egg white to goose eggs to achieve the right consistency when baking.
This is because the ample yolk and lesser egg white content of goose eggs can result in a denser texture when baking. I have incorporated this technique into most other cooking methods, too.
Are Goose Eggs Expensive?

Geese have a distinct laying pattern, producing eggs only during their reproductive season. Unlike hens, they lay just around 40 eggs annually, mainly in the spring.
This limited supply is a major reason why goose eggs are typically more costly than chicken eggs.
Prices of goose eggs fluctuate based on the seller and the specific goose breed. While an average goose egg might cost about $3, some specialty craft stores sell perfectly shaped, empty ones for as much as $10.
However, if you’re looking to buy in bulk, some offer a dozen for $6 to $8. It’s essential to remember that these eggs are considerably larger, about 2-3 times the size of a chicken egg, and boast a luxurious flavor.
Other Uses for Goose Eggs
Goose eggs aren’t just for culinary delights; their thick shells make them ideal for crafting, especially for intricate Pysanky designs.
They’re robust enough for carving, and given their size, they’re excellent for those looking to get detailed with their artwork. If you’re up for some festive fun, consider dyeing them for an extra special twist to your egg hunts.
The crafting process requires the insides to be blown out first. While with chicken eggs, the challenge is to not break the fragile shell, with goose eggs, it’s all about drilling the initial holes.
For a clean start, ensure your eggshells are tidy. It’s best to clean them thoroughly before making any holes; their sturdy nature means you can scrub them without breaking them.
You can drill two holes — a smaller one at the top and a slightly bigger one at the bottom. After scrambling the egg inside with a metal pick, blowing out its contents should be easy.
Final Thoughts
Goose eggs are appealing and unique both for their culinary and non-culinary applications. These eggs boast a strong, rich flavor, making them a delectable choice for dishes like scrambled eggs and omelets.
Their sizable nature means you’re getting more for your money, even if they do come at a higher price compared to chicken eggs.
Outside the kitchen, their thick shells are a crafter’s dream, perfect for detailed artwork like Pysanky or for a unique twist to traditional egg hunts.
While they might be a seasonal offering, given geese’s limited laying patterns, their versatility more than makes up for it.
Hence, whether you’re looking to elevate your breakfast plate, craft an intricate design, or simply learn more about these fascinating eggs, there’s no doubt that goose eggs have much to offer.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with goose eggs. Feel free to leave a comment below!