With all the cuteness and the feathers, one might think that a baby peacock, also known as peafowl or peachick, is just a precious tiny ball of fluff. However, in reality, there’s more to them than what you see on the surface.
For one thing, baby peacocks are not born with their full set of feathers. Rather, they emerge from their eggs covered in downy, brown-colored plumage that will eventually grow into the bright colors they are known for.
This is only one of many facts about these birds — there is so much more. Keep reading to the end, as this thorough article contains 20 things you should know about peacock chicks. Let’s start!
What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like?

A baby peacock, or peachick, initially resembles a juvenile pheasant with its brownish pigmentation, long legs, striped wing shields, and wooly feathered body, lacking the vivid colors and iconic “train” of adult peafowls.
Peachicks aren’t born colorfully decked out with feathers like their parents. They start as brownish-pigmented birds with long legs, striped wing shields, and wooly feathers covering their bodies.
However, do take note that it is also not uncommon to see an all-white or yellowish peacock baby, as white peafowls are considered a variant of the species.
Another thing to note is that the spectacular “train” — the long, ornate tail adorned with eye-like patterns is absent in peachicks. These young birds develop their iconic, showy tail plumage only upon reaching adulthood.
Baby Peacock Pictures and Videos
In order to get a better idea of what baby peacocks look like, this section contains pictures and videos of all kinds of peacock chicks. Be sure to scroll through them all.
First, here’s a close-up picture of an adorable little peachick in the wild:

Meanwhile, the video below shows how a baby peafowl behaves:
The following photo shows an adult peahen with a group of newborn peachicks:

Below is an image that shows a peafowl and its baby peacock strolling together:

As mentioned, white peahens and peacocks also exist. Here is a picture showing two adult white-colored peafowls with two baby peacocks:

Additionally, watch this short clip of two newborn peacock chicks with their mother:
Based on the videos and photos above, it is evident that a baby peacock is quite different from an adult one. Of course, they will grow up to be as colorful and majestic, but they are just adorable little creatures in their early years.
Here’s a video showing what it’s like to raise baby peacocks:
What Is a Baby Peacock Called?
If you are wondering what is a baby peacock called, you should know that the answer is simple: a peachick or juvenile peafowl. Also, baby peacocks are used to refer to males, whereas females are referred to as baby peahens.
What Is a Group of Baby Peacocks Called?

Most of the time, a group of baby peacocks and peahens is called an ostentation or a pride. These terms are from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (SDZWA), and they describe what exactly you think they do.
As a matter of fact, given that adult peacocks and peahens are defined by their striking plumage and eye-catching displays, it is no surprise that these winged creatures would have such interesting appellations for their group.
How Big Is a Baby Peacock?
Since peafowls are generally large-sized birds, anticipate that a baby peacock or peahen will be bigger than your average juvenile chicken. On average, it will reach a height of anywhere between 3 and 4.7 inches.
When peacock chicks mature, however, you can expect them to grow to be around 35 to 98 inches in length. This is accompanied by a train that measures about 31 to 63 inches.
How Much Do Baby Peacocks Weigh?

In most cases, baby peacocks and peahens can weigh between 2.7 and 3.6 ounces. This is a relatively large weight for such a young bird, but it is not too surprising when you consider the size of adult peacocks in general.
You should bear in mind that fully-matured peafowls can weigh roughly 8 to 13 pounds, comparable to a small to medium dog. As such, it should come as no shock that baby peacocks are born weighing quite a bit.
What Do Baby Peacocks Eat?
Similar to adult peafowls, baby peacocks and peahens should be given a high-protein diet.
In the wild, peachicks eat insects and worms, which are rich in protein. They also consume grasshoppers, slugs, snails, larvae, vegetables, grains, oats, and fruits.
Meanwhile, in captivity, hatchlings usually eat commercial pellets for the first few weeks of their lives.
Afterward, they need to be fed a diet of vegetables such as lettuce, cauliflower, or cabbage. They also eat mealworms or crickets if you have them available.
In the case of fruits, remember that too many sweets can be bad for a baby peacock — so only feed them tasty fruits in moderation.
What Do Peacock Eggs Look Like?

Peacock eggs are typically cream, reddish-brown, yellowish-brown, pale blue, or muted green in coloration. You will find that they are often speckled with dark brown or black spots as well.
Size-wise, it should be noted that whether you have an Indian peafowl, green peafowl, Congo peafowl, or white peafowl, peacock eggs range from 2 to 4 inches long and weigh between 3.5 and 4.8 ounces each.
How Many Eggs Do Peacocks Lay?
Technically speaking, since peacocks are males, they do not lay eggs. Always bear in mind that it is the peahens that do so; a peacock is only capable of fertilizing them.
Going back, though the number of eggs a peahen lays each season is not known precisely, the average is estimated at 4 to 9 eggs.
How Long Does It Take Peacock Eggs to Hatch?

Typically, the incubation period for peafowl eggs lasts between 28 and 30 days. During this time, it is important to keep the temperature at a consistent level in order to produce healthy peachicks.
Once all eggs have hatched, brooding begins. Brooding is the process in which you confine your new peachicks with the mother until they are old enough to be on their own.
Watch this video to see how peafowl eggs hatch:
When Do Peacocks Lay Eggs?
Peacocks do not lay eggs, but peahens do. A peahen commonly will not lay eggs until it is two years old. However, note that the second and third clutches of eggs are generally few.
Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that upon their fourth year of life, female peafowls tend to lay more eggs than in previous years. This trend continues for the rest of their lives.
In addition, you will notice the first signs of a peahen laying an egg during early summer or spring. Specifically, the female bird will start to act restless and may even hold its wings down.
Watch this short video to see how a peahen lays its eggs:
How Do Peacocks Feed Their Chicks?

Generally, it is the peahens responsible for taking care of their young. From hatching, the mother will start to feed the chicks by regurgitating food into their beaks. This is a process that can last for up to three days.
In this brief span of time, the peahen will forage insects, seeds, larvae, vegetables, fruits, and even small vertebrates such as frogs and lizards for its brood.
Interestingly enough, peachicks are not born with an instinctive knowledge of how to find food for themselves. Instead, they have to learn from their mother how to do so by observing it scavenging in the wild.
Can Baby Peacocks Fly?
Surprisingly, baby peacocks and peahens’ flight feathers develop much earlier than other birds. This means they have the ability to fly but are not strong enough to travel long distances yet.
When Can Baby Peacocks Fly?

As early as three days old, baby peacocks and peahens can fly. They’re still clumsy at first, but their flight skills are developed eventually. If they stay on the ground for too long, it’s easy for predators to find them.
When Do Baby Peacocks Leave Their Nests?
Three days after hatching, baby peacocks and peahens are already allowed to leave their nest and roam around.
How Long Do Baby Peacocks Stay With Their Parents?

Even though peachicks are still categorized as babies until they reach adulthood, you can find your peahen or peacock baby is mature enough to leave its parents at roughly six months old.
How Long Does It Take for a Baby Peacock to Reach Maturity?
Typically, it takes approximately 12 to 24 months for a baby peacock or peahen to reach adulthood. They will be fully mature and ready to breed after this period.
How Many Baby Peacocks Survive to Adulthood?

In most instances, only two out of every six peacock chicks survive to maturity. This is because adult peafowls are not very good at protecting their young from predators such as snakes, foxes, and hawks.
How Can You Determine the Gender of a Baby Peacock?
If you are not sure whether the newborn peafowl you have is a baby peacock or a baby peahen, there are a few ways to determine its gender.
First, examine its leg length. If you find that the legs are long and slender, it’s likely a male peafowl. On the other hand, if they are short and stubby, it’s probably a female one.
In addition to this method, during one of my visits to a local conservatory, I learned that you can also look at the outer primary feathers of a baby peacock or peahen to check its gender.
While peachicks won’t have full-grown feathers yet, peacocks tend to show brighter hues. Meanwhile, peahens have duller colors as they grow older.
Finally, a DNA test can help you determine whether your peachick is male or female without any guesswork involved.
Can You Keep a Baby Peacock as a Pet?

If you love peacocks and peahens, you might be wondering if it is possible to keep one as a pet. The short answer is yes, but you need to be prepared for the responsibility that comes with owning a peachick.
Basically, you are going to have to raise a baby animal and ensure that it gets proper nutrition and care. Luckily, there are many guides that can help navigate you through this process.
Additionally, as an aspiring peafowl owner, you must sign up for a license from your local state. This will enable them to monitor your potential pets’ well-being, ensuring no mistreatment or neglect occurs within your coop.
However, it should be noted that not all kinds of peacocks and peahens qualify as pets. So before you buy or adopt your new feathered friend, make sure they are on the list of approved species in your area.
What do you think about baby peacocks and baby peahens? Do you find them interesting? Share your thoughts and experiences about these baby birds in the comments! Don’t forget to ask your questions, too, if you have any!