“What does a penguin’s mouth look like inside?” is a question that has puzzled humans for years. After all, the bird looks so adorable with its waddling gait — but what’s actually going on inside that cute little beak?
Additionally, several theories exist about what is inside a penguin’s mouth. Some say it comprises hundreds of teeth, while others believe it is composed of spike-like structures.
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about penguin mouths. You will discover how they function, what they look like on the inside, why they are vital to these marine birds’ survival, and more.
What Is Inside a Penguin’s Mouth?

Inside a penguin’s mouth, you’ll find a unique structure suited for an aquatic diet. Specifically, beyond the sharp beak is a rough tongue and palate, which are both covered with backward-facing spines called papillae. These spines also come with mucus glands, muscles, tissues, and membranes.
While the penguin mouth may seem scary at first glance — with its razor-sharp spikes or papillae — the actual structure of the iconic seabird’s mouth is actually fairly simple and streamlined.
For starters, the inside of a penguin’s mouth is surrounded by a sturdy, elastic layer called the buccal mucosa.
Additionally, the back of the mouth of penguins houses healthy glands and muscles, ensuring that every part plays a vital role in their feeding process.
Despite the absence of traditional teeth like other birds, however, all penguin species have evolved an impressive way to eat their slippery prey using just their beaks and sharp tongues alone.
What Does a Penguin’s Bill Look Like?

When going into the fascinating world of penguins, one can’t help but notice these birds’ sharp, prominent beaks. Composed of hard keratin, the same tissue that makes up human hair and nails, they’re built for a purpose.
These bills, often ending in a sharp, hooked-like tip, are an essential unique adaptation that allows penguins to grasp and hold onto food. They are also used for defense when threatened by predators, including humans.
Functionality aside, though, the appearance of a penguin’s beak can vary widely depending on the species. For instance, King penguins sport orange-stained beaks, while Chinstrap penguins have solid black ones.
The same goes for length and shape. However, it is worth noting that all 18 species of penguins will have two nares or nostrils on either side of their respective bill — allowing them to breathe while swimming underwater.
What Are the Spines Inside a Penguin’s Mouth?
One of the striking features you’d find on the inside of a penguin’s mouth is the spikey structures known as papillae.
Yet, note that these mouth protrusions aren’t just randomly placed; they line the tongue as well as the roof, sides, and base of the mouths of penguins and other seabirds.
However, bear in mind that, as pointy as the penguin’s papillae may appear, they actually are the same rough surface you’ll feel on your tongue.
The only difference is that they are larger and thicker than the papillae inside the mouths of humans.
What Are the Functions of the Papillae on a Penguin’s Tongue?

Diving into the world inside of penguin mouths brings up several notable features. One such feature is the papillae, which are spiky structures located on the tongue and roof of the mouth of this seabird.
The following are some of the functions of the papillae on a penguin’s tongue:
- Gripping prey: In the absence of teeth, penguins rely on the papillae inside their mouths to catch and hold onto their potential water and aquatic meals.
- Feeding chicks: Mother penguins use their spikey tongue and mouth to hold food, and then they regurgitate it directly down the mouth of their chicks.
- Taste sensation: Although all bird species lack the gene receptors for sweetness, it has been noted that penguins have even fewer taste buds. Yet, their papillae still play a role in their sense of taste, allowing them to discern different aquatic prey.
- Filtering krill: Some penguins dive deep to feast on tiny krill. To be specific, the papillae nestled on their tongue and the roof of their mouth act as a filter, trapping these crustaceans while letting water flow out.
- Preventing backflow: The backward-facing orientation of the papillae in the penguin’s mouth ensures that once a slippery fish is caught, it doesn’t slide back out. This is especially crucial since penguins don’t have teeth to grip their food.
- Aid in swallowing: With the help of their papillae, penguins can swallow their prey whole. These anatomical structures guide their food towards their esophagus, ensuring a smooth journey from mouth to stomach.
As you can see in the list above, these specialized structures called papillae have many functions. They help penguins and birds with hunting, feeding babies, and even digestion.
Do Penguins Have Tongues?
Yes, penguins possess tongues. As a matter of fact, if you take a closer look at what’s inside the majority of the penguin’s mouth, you’ll discover their tongue adorned with prominent keratinized bristles, known as papillae.
These sharp structures on penguins’ tongues assist in directing food down the mouth, ensuring they efficiently consume their prey without the need for traditional teeth.
What About Penguin Taste Buds?

Penguins, intriguingly, have a rather limited sense of taste. Like all birds, they cannot detect sweet flavors. Further studies suggest that penguins also might not experience umami and bitter tastes.
This potentially leaves our waddling friends with just two primary flavors: sour and salty.
In an expedition, my team and I decided to experiment with foods and see if we could understand the secrets behind penguin taste buds. The results were fascinating: penguins lacked a response to umami and bitter savors.
We theorized that the extreme cold might influence their taste receptors, canceling out these two flavors. It’s a fun fact to ponder — could their natural environment be the reason behind their distinctive taste palette?
Are There Teeth Inside a Penguin’s Mouth?
Contrary to some beliefs, penguins do not have teeth. It’s fascinating to realize that while around 100 million years ago, birds did possess teeth, evolution eventually took its course.
Now, no avian species, including the penguin, has teeth in the mammalian sense. Instead, the inside of their mouth has adapted to contain a unique set of anatomical features that help them grip and digest food.
Can Penguins Bite?

Although penguins lack teeth, don’t be fooled into thinking they can’t bite. Using their beak, which is sharp on the top and equipped with a hook at the tip, they can deliver a bite strong enough to pierce human skin.
Moreover, penguins utilize their beaks, in addition to their wings, as weapons to defend themselves from predators. These include killer whales, foxes, sharks, and leopard seals.
Do Penguins Chew Their Food?
Unlike humans, penguins do not chew their food; they swallow it whole. Instead of teeth, they have spines inside their mouths, ensuring the greasy fish they catch can just move in one direction — straight into their stomachs.
Here is a video of how penguins eat and bite slippery fish:
Why Do Penguins Shake Their Head When They Eat?

When penguins eat, they unintentionally consume a lot of salt water. Thankfully, nature has equipped them with a clever solution: supraorbital glands on either side of their beak.
Primarily, supraorbital glands filter the salt from the water they ingest. So, by shaking their head, penguins release the excess salt from these glands.
Without this unique ability, penguins would risk dehydration from consuming too much salty water. All in all, it’s a neat adaptation that ensures these marine birds survive in harsh conditions.
Do Penguins Have Gag Reflexes?
Penguins do not have gag reflexes, allowing them to swallow their food whole without any discomfort.
Yet, even though they can gulp down their prey in a single motion, these birds have been observed regurgitating the contents of their stomachs when needed. This is especially evident when feeding their chicks.
Are All Penguins’ Mouths the Same?

While penguins may display diverse coloration and shapes on the outside, the inside of their mouths tells a more uniform story. Regardless of species, these seabirds have tongues and mouths covered in papillae.
Interestingly, they all share the trait of being without teeth, too. This consistency allows them to eat any type of aquatic meal without worrying about choking.
If you have any additional thoughts or questions about the inside of a penguin’s mouth, don’t hesitate to share them in the comments!