Birds and mammals are among the most recognized creatures on the planet. Both groups have evolved over millions of years, displaying features and behaviors that sometimes overlap, leading to confusion.
For one thing, they both exhibit body covering. However, birds do not have fur or hair, while mammals do. Some birds and mammals also share similar behaviors, like flying, but they have different structures in their bodies.
In this article, you will learn how birds and mammals are distinct from each other — and what they have in common — so you can better understand why they’re categorized as different classes. Let’s begin!
Are Birds Mammals?

Birds are not mammals but are members of the class Aves, whereas mammals are part of the class Mammalia. Although birds and mammals do share some traits, such as being warm-blooded and vertebrates, they belong to different classes within the animal kingdom.
Specifically, birds fall under the class Aves. A key distinguishing factor is that avians have features unique to them, including feathers and beaks.
Another defining characteristic of birds is that many of their species have the ability to fly, thanks to their lightweight skeletons.
Hence, while mammals and birds are endothermic vertebrates — and they share an ancient ancestor from about 300 million years ago — their evolutionary paths diverged considerably over time.
Why Are Birds Not Considered Mammals?
Basically, birds aren’t considered mammals because of fundamental differences in their anatomy and reproductive methods.
Firstly, a telltale sign of mammals is the presence of mammary glands that produce milk; birds don’t have these. Further, female mammals give birth to live young, while birds lay eggs.
Even though some birds, like penguins, are flightless, they still have feathers, another distinction from mammals. Additionally, birds don’t have teeth but instead use their beaks or bills to eat.
Lastly, while mammals have fur or hair covering their bodies, birds do not.
So, the next time someone asks, “Is a bird a mammal?” you’ll know the answer is a clear “no.” In fact, it has been noted that birds are more closely related to reptiles than to mammals.
A Brief Introduction to Animal Classification

Before diving deeper into the topic, it’s crucial to understand some basics about animal classification. For one thing, like a big, intricate family tree, the animal kingdom is organized in a hierarchical manner.
To begin, below is a chart showing the taxonomic ranks of all living things:
Rank | Description |
Life | All living organisms fall under this category |
Domain | Large sections within life; broadly categorized based on cellular structures |
Kingdom | Further breaks down domains; for example, Plantae for plants, Animalia for animals |
Phylum | Groups based on major body plans |
Class | A grouping that is finer than phylum. This is where we differentiate between birds, mammals, and others |
Order | Narrows down the classification, for instance, carnivorous mammals vs. herbivorous mammals |
Family | A closer relation within orders, like the cat and dog species within the order Carnivora |
Genus | Groups of species that are closely related. For one, in the Canis genus, dogs, wolves, dingoes, and coyotes are all considered members |
Species | Represent individual organisms that can breed together |
This hierarchy is known as Linnaean taxonomy. In this system, animals are grouped together based on their shared traits. Then, they will be subdivided into smaller units until they are classified as species.
Let’s now zoom in on just one branch of Linnaean taxonomy: the classes of animals. First, here is a table showing how each class in the animal kingdom is defined:
Class Name | Scientific Name | Examples |
Mammals | Mammalia | Humans, dogs, cats, bats |
Reptiles | Reptilia | Lizards, snakes, crocodiles |
Birds/Avians | Aves | Chickens, ducks, birds of prey |
Amphibian | Amphibia | Frogs, axolotls, salamanders |
Cartilaginous Fish | Chrondrichtyes | Sharks, rays, batoids |
Jaw-less Fish | Agnatha | Hagfish, lampreys |
Bony Fish | Osteichthyes | Eels, clownfish, trout |
As you can see, while some traits overlap in animals, there are still distinct differences between them — and these differences can affect how amphibians, birds, and mammals are classified.
What Are the Characteristics of Birds?
Generally speaking, birds are remarkable creatures, unique in many ways compared to other groups of animals. In particular, they possess a large number of adaptations that help them to survive in their environments.
The following are some important traits or characteristics of birds:
- Feathers: Chiefly, birds are the only living animals adorned with feathers. This trait aids in flight, insulation, and display. In fact, many male birds have colorful plumage to attract mates and advertise their fitness for breeding.
- Beaks: Another distinctive feature of the class of birds is the bill or beak. Unlike mammals, birds have toothless beaks that vary in shape and size, reflecting their diet and lifestyle.
- Wings: Birds are animals famous for their wings. These wings are meant to help them fly from one place to another. However, note that not all species of birds can fly. Flightless birds such as penguins, emus, ostriches, steamer ducks, and rheas use their wings for other purposes like balancing, swimming, and protection.
- Unique set of organs: Internally, many birds are usually known for their lightweight skeletons. Thus, this specific trait, combined with a complex system of air sacs, helps reduce their overall body mass, making flight more efficient.
- Excellent vision: Vision is paramount for birds. As a matter of fact, it’s their most developed sense, guiding them in navigation and hunting. They can discern almost any object from a distance, including small insects and even tiny leaves.
- Distinctive reproductive method: Lastly, the reproductive system of birds is unique, as female birds produce eggs. Furthermore, some animals in the class Avis, such as chickens, can lay an egg even without a male bird around.
Truly, these avian characteristics set them apart from other animal classes, including mammals. These unique features also make them easily identifiable as birds, especially those related to flight.
What Are Mammals?

Mammals, which include humans, dogs, cats, bears, and rats, are a diverse group of animals characterized by certain features. Here are a few of the essential ones:
- Hair/fur: As birds are covered with feathers and reptiles have scales, mammals are known for their fur or hair. This hair is used for insulation, defense against the cold, and camouflage.
- Diaphragm: Another defining trait of mammals is the presence of a diaphragm, a muscle that aids breathing. They use this muscle to breathe air into their lungs and expel it through their mouth.
- Mammary glands and live offspring: Additionally, all species of mammals are equipped with mammary glands, allowing for lactation and the feeding of young ones. This characteristic is essential, as most mammals give birth to live offspring.
- Teeth: While birds have evolved to have no teeth at all, mammals are tooth-bearing animals. They even exhibit different types of teeth depending on their species.
- Distinctive set of glands: Finally, mammals possess sebaceous, sweat, and scent glands, playing roles in protection, thermoregulation, and communication. All these glands produce different substances that help the species of this class adapt to their environment.
In a similar way, these traits make mammals distinct from other classes, including birds. These unique traits can only be found in examples like humans, dogs, and cats.
How Are Birds Different From Mammals?
Birds and mammals are two unique groups of animals that captivate humans with their diversity and behavior. While both are vertebrates and share other characteristics, note that they are not all the same.
The following are some of the differences between birds and mammals:
- Beak vs. teeth: Birds are characterized by their toothless beaks. In contrast, mammals possess teeth that help them break down food.
- Reproduction: Birds produce eggs encased in hard shells. On the other hand, mammals give birth to live young, with a few exceptions, like the platypus.
- Body covering: Feathers are unique to birds, while fur or hair is unique to mammals.
- Bone structure: Generally, birds have hollow bones, making them lightweight. Meanwhile, mammals have denser bones that are heavier.
- Respiratory system: Birds possess a unique system of air sacs, ensuring a continuous airflow through their lungs. Meanwhile, mammals have a diaphragmatic breathing system, where air is drawn into and expelled from the lungs.
- Sound production: Birds and mammals are different in so many ways, but one of the most obvious is that they produce sounds in distinct manners. Birds make chirps, trills, and croaks; mammals make growls, rumbles, and roars.
- Flying abilities: Many birds are adept fliers, thanks to their wing structure and lightweight skeletons. While some mammals can glide or fly, like bats, their mechanisms differ significantly from birds.
- Mammary glands: A defining difference between birds and mammals is the presence of mammary glands in mammals. Remember that birds do not have mammary glands.
- Feeding methods: Female mammals feed their young with milk from their mammary glands, while birds feed their chicks with food they have obtained in the wild.
Based on the list above, there are many differences between mammals and birds. They are very distinct from each other in terms of appearance, body structure, and so on.
Similarities Between Birds and Mammals

As mentioned, birds differ from mammals in a number of ways. However, there are some areas where the two classes are incredibly alike.
Below are the most common similarities between mammals and birds:
- Warm-blooded or endothermic: Both birds and mammals are warm-blooded animals, meaning they maintain a constant body temperature regardless of their environment. This characteristic allows them to thrive in diverse habitats.
- Air-breathing animals: Birds and mammals breathe air. However, it should be noted that the lungs of birds and mammals are still built differently.
- Vertebrates: Birds and mammals are vertebrates, signifying they possess a backbone or spinal column. This structure provides support and protection for the central nervous system.
- Mixed diets: Like mammals, birds have a diverse diet that includes meat, insects, and plants.
- Heart with four chambers: Birds and mammals have several similarities, including a heart with four chambers. This allows for blood to circulate more efficiently throughout their bodies.
- Reptile-like ancestors: Surprisingly, mammals and modern birds are directly descended from reptiles.
- Sensory organs: Birds and mammals share well-developed sensory organs. This enables them to interact with and adapt to their environments effectively.
- Parental care: Both birds and mammals have evolved to display extensive parental care, looking after their young by providing food, protection, and learning opportunities.
- Nasal turbinates: Mammals and birds are also known for having nasal turbinates, which are bony structures in the nasal passage that help regulate the temperature and moisture of the air they breathe.
- Brain structure: The brains of both birds and mammals are highly developed, particularly the regions related to learning, memory, and problem-solving, showcasing their cognitive capabilities.
In this video, watch how birds can be just as smart as mammals:
It is evident that birds share particular characteristics with mammals. Both birds and mammals are endothermic, have complex brains, and have diverse diets. However, they’re still very different creatures.
What Makes People Think That Birds Are Mammals?
There are several reasons why birds might be mistaken for mammals. Generally, both avians and mammals breathe air, are warm-blooded, and have vertebrae, which can make them seem alike.
Moreover, even though the fact that birds lay eggs might seem exclusive, there’s the platypus, a mammal, which also lays eggs.
The same confusion goes for penguins. Though they are classified as birds, many people still believe that because they are flightless, they must also be mammals.
Similarly, in my years of studying and observing wildlife, I’ve come across many who point out that since bats, which are mammals, can fly, birds must really be half mammals — but this isn’t true.
Overall, it’s essential to note that mammals and birds have different bone structures, body coverings, and reproductive systems.
Other Common Misconceptions About Birds

In addition to the confusion over whether or not birds are mammals, there are several other common misconceptions about birds that you may run into.
Here is a quick rundown of some common misconceptions about birds:
1. All birds can fly
Contrary to popular belief, not all birds can fly. For instance, ostriches and penguins remain grounded. Hence, the term “bird” does not necessarily refer to a flying creature.
It’s interesting to note that all flightless birds are directly descended from birds that could fly.
Fun Fact: Though it is flightless, the ostrich is one of the fastest animals on land, reaching speeds of 30 to 37 miles per hour. In fact, a single stride from these birds can cover 10 to 16 feet.
2. Birds are reptiles
Another misconception is classifying birds as reptiles. Although birds and crocodilians are the descendants of archosaurs, they have evolved into very different forms.
3. Birds are not smart
Many underestimate avian intelligence, but certain species of birds, like parrots, exhibit remarkable cognitive abilities. In fact, they can be trained to speak or to recognize colors and shapes.
4. Birds will abandon chicks touched by humans
A typical myth I have heard numerous times in my wildlife career is that bird parents abandon their babies if you touch them. However, this is not true at all.
While avoiding interfering with wild creatures is preferable, there is evidence that most birds have a limited sense of smell. Thus, they will still accept their young even if they are approached by humans.
Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Bird That Is a Mammal?
No, there is no bird that is a mammal. Keep in mind that birds and mammals belong to different classes in the animal kingdom, each with distinct characteristics.
For instance, while birds have lightweight skeletons and are famous for their beaks, mammals have heavier bones and teeth.
Are Bats Mammals or Birds?
Bats are mammals, the only ones that can actually fly. Additionally, unlike bird species, bats have hair, give birth to live young, and possess mammary glands.
Therefore, while bats sport particular characteristics of birds and mammals, they are more mammal-like than bird-like.
Are Penguins Mammals or Birds?
Penguins are birds, not mammals. Even though they swim proficiently and are flightless creatures, penguins have feathers, a key feature that separates birds and mammals. They also lack teeth in their mouths, like all bird species.
This article has hopefully cleared up some of your confusion about the classification of birds. If you notice any differences or similarities between birds and mammals not listed here, let us know in the comments!